Monthly SEO Packages That Boost Your Ranking and Double Your Traffic

Every online professional should recognize that search engine optimization is a marathon, not a sprint. At usinemadpay, we offer monthly SEO packages to our clients to help them maintain their rankings and sustain their growing traffic. We understand that periodic improvements and adjustments to your SEO strategy are essential to maintaining your competitive edge and ultimately surpassing your competitors.

Our team of SEO experts is proficient in delivering both one-time and recurring services to our clients. We begin by conducting a thorough review of your website, researching keywords, and analyzing your competitive landscape. Based on our findings, we develop a comprehensive strategy designed to enhance your business’s visibility and rankings over time. Our monthly SEO plans are efficient, affordable, and tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Explore further to learn more!

See Our Client Testimonials In Our Online Reviews!

As a managed SEO service provider, among many other things, we at usinemadpay are reviewed by our global client base on sites like Facebook, Google and Trustpilot. Read our 5-star average reviews below to find out more about our impact on businesses just like yours!

Facebook Reviews

Based on 166 reviews

Google Reviews

Based on 235 reviews

Trustpilot Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

Ready To Increase Leads & Online Sales Through SEO?

Struggling to make your Shopify store more visible? Take a step ahead and consult with our Shopify SEO expert to explore how our custom eCommerce SEO plan can grow your business.

Why Invest in Monthly SEO Plans?

SEO must be considered a long-term investment. As a marketing strategy, it requires continuous maintenance in order to truly be effective and return your investment into it. Search rankings and criteria are constantly changing and a savvy business will ensure that their website is keeping up.

In fact, organic search remains the number one way for people to find businesses. According to a Search Engine Journal survey, 50% of businesses claim that organic search has the highest ROI, with only 20% saying that paid search does. Additionally, 75% of Internet users never scroll beyond the very first SERP. This means that if your site is not ranked on that first page, then your business does not exist to the majority of the public.

A sustainable SEO strategy is crucial for your business to elevate and sustain its ranking on organic search results. Embracing SEO best practices is essential, but it requires time to yield results. A well-managed SEO service ensures that your website stays ahead of the curve. Our monthly tactics encompass keyword optimization, link building, directory submissions, web audits, and analytics, among others. These efforts gradually enhance your website’s online visibility, propelling it higher on SERPs and driving organic traffic while solidifying your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of online users.

In essence, SEO is a long-term investment, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

What Do Monthly SEO Packages Include?

Our SEO monthly packages include a comprehensive variety of tools and tactics to keep your site optimized. See the below list of strategic actions that comprise our recurring SEO service offering:

Complete SEO Audit

We will perform a complete SEO audit on your current website. From there, we will identify any problems needing their resolution and can begin work on an effective strategy.

Keyword Research & Optimization

Our team will perform keyword research for your business. We analyze the competition around your top keywords, including any new ones, and optimize their selection for the best opportunities in your market.

Content Creation & Optimization

The content already on your website will be reviewed for any SEO improvements to be made. A new content strategy will be employed based on our research, meant to optimize your next creations.

Ranking Strategy Development

In order to rank, you need a plan. We can help you develop it based on the keywords and content most valuable to your enterprise. Our strategy will give you the best chance to rank.

Local SEO Optimizations

For any local SEO considerations, our team will be sure to implement the necessary changes to ensure greater visibility to your community. We will utilize geo-targeted keywords and content to maximize your local reach.

Technical SEO

Our team will check your website for every major technical factor, such as your website architecture, XML sitemaps and more. We will ensure that any technical problems inhibiting your site’s performance are resolved.

On-page Optimization

Our process includes a complete analysis of your current site’s on-page SEO. This includes keywords, titles, headings, and everything else appearing within your website’s content. Our optimization will ensure your pages shine online.

Backlinks Strategy

We will perform periodic foundation backlinks to provide a boost for your site. Our team has connections with relevant bloggers that we can reach out to. Backlinks improve your ranking probability through increasing your authoritativeness.

Website Maintenance

We will perform periodic foundation backlinks to provide a boost for your site. Our team has connections with relevant bloggers that we can reach out to. Backlinks improve your ranking probability through increasing your authoritativeness.

How Can Monthly SEO Services Help Your Business?

For every online business, monthly SEO services are indispensable. While one-time services like keyword identification or on-page content optimization can offer initial benefits, they alone are insufficient to secure a high ranking for your website. SEO demands a long-term perspective to sustain and increase organic traffic effectively. The most proficient SEO professionals recognize the importance of consistently providing relevant, fully optimized content and structure to your website to satisfy both users and search engines.

It’s essential to remember that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Achieving a high rank requires continuous effort and dedication. Websites don’t catapult from the bottom to the top of SERPs overnight. Establishing trust with search engines and online users is a gradual process that necessitates time and refinement. With hundreds of SEO factors influencing the algorithm, your keyword and content strategies will vary depending on your industry.

Thus, ongoing monthly SEO is practically required to keep up with the ever-evolving search environment. You can be sure that your most serious competitors are likely developing their own monthly SEO plans in order to grow their business. Organic search results are still the dominant way that people discover businesses like yours. So your website needs to be structured as such to capture as many online searchers as possible.

Monthly SEO packages, with an expert service provider like usinemadpay, can do just that. If you want to rank higher, further, and faster on Google, then work with us and we will do our best to make that dream a reality.

Get A Free SEO Audit Report Today!

Please fill in your website URL and email and we will perform a FREE SEO audit on your site. We will deliver your audit report back to you within 90 hours of your submission.

*The Audit Report Will Be Sent To Your Mail Within 120 Hours

Our Affordable Seo Services Packages

Our monthly SEO packages are designed for three levels of effort and cost, with Advanced and Premium providing a more comprehensive scope of work. Please choose the package that best meets your needs and budget:


Regular Price $99/mo




Content Development

Off Page SEO

Technical SEO

Month Reporting

Client Support


Regular Price $180/mo


Small Website



Content Development

Off Page SEO

Technical SEO

Month Reporting

Client Support


Regular Price $120/mo




Content Development

Off Page SEO

Technical SEO

Month Reporting

Client Support


Regular Price $220/mo


Small Website



Content Development

Off Page SEO

Technical SEO

Month Reporting

Client Support


Regular Price $159/mo




Content Development

Off Page SEO

Technical SEO

Month Reporting

Client Support


Most Popular Questions

From our experience as a Shopify SEO service provider, we have often encountered specific issues and questions from clients. Here are the most popular questions, answered in advance for you:

We will employ every major effective white hat SEO strategy, such as keyword and on-page optimizations, delivered on a monthly periodic basis and designed for your specific business.


With our monthly service offering, you can expect your site’s front-end content and back-end structure to be optimized to best improve your search engine ranking. The process should be improved over time by our team and yours, along with your online rank on SERPs.


Based on each period’s execution and monthly SEO report, we can collaborate to determine any necessary changes in the strategy.


Time to rank is variable and dependent upon a number of factors. Our goal is to optimize your website to give it the best chance to rank as quickly as possible. But there is no guarantee for the timeline.


We will first check your existing backlinks to develop a strategy. We will employ a foundation backlinks to diversify your links and boost your website authority. Then we will execute relevant blogger outreach backlinks to improve your site’s ranking. We promise to ensure the backlinks are manual, spam-free, secure, and beneficial to your business.


For the first month of our monthly package, it will take about 30 days to establish the initial work product. From there, the execution period varies month to month.


We are a team of experienced experts who know how to help businesses improve their search engine ranking. We have over 400 online reviews, service 52 countries and currently work with more than 30 active clients with our monthly SEO service packages. We promise to employ our expertise to create strategies tailored to your specific business and site to give it the best chance to rank.


Yes, you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our service before you order and we will do our best to answer them.


Please contact us and we can upgrade or downgrade your SEO service package for the next service period per your wishes.


Yes, you can communicate any specific, custom requests you have through email or live chat during our initial stages and we will work to implement them.


Yes, we can provide social media optimization services through your website and as part of our service packages.


You will need to provide us with administrative access to your website. We promise to keep all of your info and data absolutely secure.


Choose the package that best reflects your purpose in ordering a monthly SEO service as well as your budget. If you have any confusion over which package may be best for you and your business, then feel free to contact us for a free consultation. We will be happy to answer any of your questions.


Yes, our team will provide site maintenance as part of their monthly execution, this includes technical SEO checks and much more.


You can access your monthly SEO report through the client area. You will also receive the report via email.


Yes, we have a revision policy and work to 100% satisfy all our clients. If you discover any issues within the monthly report that you need resolved or have questions about, contact us through email, in the client area, or via live chat. We promise to resolve the problem within 24 hours. We also offer emergency support for more immediate problems that need a solution fast.


It depends on many factors, but for the average business after our strategies from our monthly SEO service have been implemented for about 4-6 months, your ranking for a specific keyword on Google will become more likely.


Yes, we will sign an NDA in order to protect your business information and data. Our team takes your site’s safety and security very seriously. Throughout our work we will treat your private information with the utmost care.

Technical SEO Include in Our Monthly SEO Plans

Technical SEO on the back-end is a necessary component for ensuring the health of your website. As part of our monthly service, we provide technical overwatch and solutions for any problems that arise over time. See below for the different aspects of our technical SEO:

SEO Plugin Integration

We will integrate any and all relevant plugins for your site, such as Yoast, Rank Math or All in One SEO, in order to give your site the best possible SEO performance.


Our team will thoroughly investigate your website sitemap, the blueprint for how search engine’s find you online. Simply, we will ensure it is functioning properly and efficiently.

Robots TXT File

Your robots.txt file tells search engines like Google which URLs on your site to crawl to. Our team has the know-how to check and optimize this file for your betterment.

Google Analytics Setup.

We can help you set up your Google Analytics account, set to capture your site’s most important data. Our team will ensure you understand how to edit and analyze from there.

Google Search Console setup.

We can set your website up on Google Search Console. This official tool will allow you to check the status of your site’s indexing and current visibility online.

Loading Speed

Our team will do everything they can to optimize your web pages for the fastest speeds. We and your users will want your pages loading in under 3 seconds.

How Much Do Monthly SEO Services Cost?

SEO must be considered a long-term investment. As a marketing strategy, it requires continuous maintenance in order to truly be effective and return your investment into it. Search rankings and criteria are constantly changing and a savvy business will ensure that their website is keeping up.

In 2021, monthly SEO services for small businesses and e-commerce sites can range from $350 to $2,000 per month. For affiliate sites, the cost is up to $750 to $1,000 per month. And for blogging sites, the cost is up to $500 per month. One-time SEO projects currently range from $3,000 to $20,000, depending on the size of the business and the scope of the project. Hourly rates for SEO consultants range from $50 to $200 per hour, depending on their package and team expertise.

In all, the amount you pay for SEO services will depend on your business and what you want. The goals for your website and the growth of your business should guide the purpose of your SEO project, whether it is one-time or monthly. As with anything else in the market, with SEO service providers you often get exactly what you pay for.

We at usinemadpay try to strike a balance between our high quality services and our desire to provide efficient, affordable SEO service packages to our clients.

Ready To Take Your Business To The Next Level?

Schedule a free consultation with one of our SEO experts and find out what we can do for you using the power of SEO strategies and discuss-

Why Choose Giant Marketers For Your Monthly SEO Services?

SEO is an ongoing strategy and we try to keep our clients at the cutting edge of the current online paradigm. If you choose to work with us, we will collaborate and communicate on exactly what you want from our service and your investment . See below for some of the factors that differentiate us:

Industry Expert

usinemadpay includes a team of industry experts who have 12 years of experience working with clients around the world. We will know exactly what to do for your website.

52+ Countries Served

We have clients from over 50 countries around the world. Our business is defined by our international reach and we can serve you no matter where you are.

Dedicated Project Manager

When you order our monthly SEO service, you will get a dedicated project manager for your site. They will be focused and available as questions or issues arise.

Performance Monitoring

When you order our monthly SEO service, you will get a dedicated project manager for your site. They will be focused and available as questions or issues arise.

Instant Support

We promise to have our team available instantly over mail or chat should you encounter any problems or need a question answered on any area of our service.

30+ Active Clients

Our team currently serves 30+ active monthly SEO clients. Rest assured that if you choose to work with us, you will have our full attention and expertise provided for you.

How do we work?

Given our long experience in the world of SEO and digital marketing, we have defined a process that is proven. See below for the details of this process and know that when you choose to work with us, we can employ it for you:


Your Monthly Goal

To begin, you will need to determine your monthly SEO goal. What do you want and why? This will determine which package you choose and will define our work product.


Your Monthly Goal

To begin, you will need to determine your monthly SEO goal. What do you want and why? This will determine which package you choose and will define our work product.


Your Monthly Goal

To begin, you will need to determine your monthly SEO goal. What do you want and why? This will determine which package you choose and will define our work product.


Your Monthly Goal

To begin, you will need to determine your monthly SEO goal. What do you want and why? This will determine which package you choose and will define our work product.


Your Monthly Goal

To begin, you will need to determine your monthly SEO goal. What do you want and why? This will determine which package you choose and will define our work product.


Your Monthly Goal

To begin, you will need to determine your monthly SEO goal. What do you want and why? This will determine which package you choose and will define our work product.

Local & International Brands We Work With

We have extensive experience in delivering top-notch tailored SEO solutions across a wide range of industries. Uncover all the brands we have worked with so far from here and let the results speak on our behalf.

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